The image shows a "True Random Number Generator" interface from RANDOM.ORG. The interface includes fields for the minimum and maximum values, which are set to 1 and 117, respectively. There is a "Generate" button, and below it, the result is displayed as 68.

Winners of the 20,000 Amex Membership Rewards Giveaway…

Over the weekend while I was at the Frequent Traveler University, I ran a giveaway contest for 20,000 Amex Membership Rewards points. I always like running contests. There is always excitement in the comments, Twitter, Facebook. It’s extremely fun to read everyone’s comments and I always get a renewed energy for the blog! 

Speaking at the Frequent Traveler University in Tampa this past weekend was a great experience. It’s the first time I’ve had the opportunity to explain the strategies to so many people at once. I think I had a completely awesome group of audience members. If you were there, thank you for laughing at my jokes, listening attentively and asking so many good questions. I hope to see many of you at future conferences!

I also learned what’s interesting to everyone through comments on the blog and comments by audience members at the FTU. Readers really like to hear about opportunities to use their miles efficiently. They also like to work short trips within North American into their longer itineraries. Fortunately, I like doing both so I’ll be focusing more on that. I am also going to put up a more comprehensive “Guide to Weekend Jet Setting: Maximizing Miles to the Caribbean, Hawaii and North America” so keep an eye out for that. 

Now on to the winners. Each winner will receive 5,000 Amex Membership Rewards points transferred to the airline partner of his or her choice. For the full list of American Express Membership Rewards airline can be found in the post: How to Transfer American Express Membership Rewards To Airline Miles. Since Amex Membership Rewards points can also be redeemed as cashback, the winner can also opt for a $50 gift card to any merchant provided I can purchase it online.


There were four winners all chosen through

  1. Comment on the post with your favorite North American getaway destination or your favorite post. The winner was comment #68, which was by Peter saying his favorite post was about “how to book free one-ways on United!
  2. Fol­low TheMile­sPro­fes­sor on Twit­ter. Then either (a) tweet me with hash­tag #TMPAmex5K with your favorite North Amer­ica get­away des­ti­na­tion or (b) retweet my post about the giveaway. The winner was Steve Dickman @cbtadvisors. 
  3. Like The Miles Pro­fes­sor Page on Face­book. The either (a) com­ment on my con­test post with your favorite North Amer­ica get­away des­ti­na­tion or (b) share my post about the give­away from Face­book to enter. The winner was Jennifer Mason.
  4. Add The Miles Pro­fes­sor on Google+ and share my post about the giveaway on Google+. The winner was Mark Martinez.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone else for participating! I’ll be contacting the winners to distribute prizes.


  1. Seriously? I hardly ever win anything. Glad I started following your blog just a few months ago. Made my day for what has been a stressful month. Thank you!!

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