
The Top 25 Cities You Should Visit In Your Lifetime. How Many Have You Been To?

I wanted to share this list because it managed to distract me yesterday and I found the photography and pictures of the various cities highly share-worthy! Here is distractify’s The Top 25 Cities You Should Visit In Your Lifetime

Everyone has his own bucket list and I prefer to travel to places that appeal to me personally. But every once in a while, it’s fun to compare where you’ve been against a “Top 25 Cities” or “Top 40 Experiences” List.

I’ve been to 10 cities on the list and have two more booked this year: Prague and Buenos Aires.

Here is their list (starting with #25 and going down to #1) and I’ve bolded where I’ve personally been:

  • San Francisco
  • Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Lisbon, Portual
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Capetown, South Africa
  • Chicago
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina (going Dec 2014)
  • Florence, Italy
  • New York
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Shanghai, China
  • Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Paris, France
  • Marrakech, Morocco
  • Prague, Czech Republic (going June 2014)
  • Beijing, China (been to the airport!)
  • London, UK
  • Rome, Italy
  • Istanbul, Turkey

I haven’t been to #1 yet, but for me, Paris may just always be number one.

How many cities have you been to and do you agree/disagree with the favorites?


  1. Love the photos too! I loved every city in Italy on my trip there a few years ago though I agree Rome/Florence are my favorites.

  2. Chicago? Even in North America, Vancouver or Montreal would rank ahead. What about Vienna, Rio, Kathmandu, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Oslo, Lhasa? All beneath Chicago??
    Chicago?? Ahead of Bangkok and Sydney??? No. Just. No.

  3. I’ve been to 9…but I consider myself a newbie. I’ve been to Saigon (loved it) but not to Hanoi, so I couldn’t count that one.

  4. I’ve been to 13. These types of lists are so subjective, aren’t they? I’ve been to Bangkok and I definitely would not put that city on the list. Amsterdam is my favorite city and that’s not on the list.

  5. Six done. Two cities on my schedule for this summer. Although I agree that Chicago would not make most people’s top 25 in the world cities, this is a subjective list and the authors should be allowed their opinions. It’s silly to argue the merits of one city over another in a forum such as this.

  6. I’ve traveled quite a bit all over the world. Been in Tokyo for 2 weeks and it’s already in my personal top 5. Surprised it’s not on this list but I guess to each their own.

  7. I agree, Adam! I was looking for Tokyo on the list and was shocked not to find it there.

  8. I’m tired of cities. Nature is much more interesting. I’ve been across Europe. What do you see there? It’s all the same. 500th church, 100th palace, 50th castle. Boring!

  9. I’ve been to 8. I agree about Amsterdam and Vienna deserving to be on the list.
    Inna, you’re going to love BA and especially Prague. Way to go!

  10. I have been to 7. New York is at the top of the list for me (for places I have been) and Paris is at the bottom of the seven I visited from your list. I would definitely have Stockholm on the list of 25. I have been to Amsterdam many times and agree with you in not putting it on the list.

  11. Chicago is full of potholes and nothing interesting! New York is full of buildings, a dirty river/harbor and a big statue! San Francisco is just one big bridge and some winding roads!

    And u don’t have Tokyo, Cairo..n your list?

  12. I sure do wonder how these cities got ranked. I have been to 19 of the 25. Lisbon, but no Venice???????????? (just for one of the crazies). I do realize much of what we like in a city depends upon our own personal experiences there…. but, yikes!!

  13. It’s all hugely subjective. I’ve been to all but Marrakech and all the ones in Southeast Asia. Guess I know what region to look at for a trip before long.

  14. Wow, I am surprised at this list. I am surprised to see Chicago and SF listed (My opinion only, I don’t think they are anything special). I am surprised Hong Kong and Tokyo are not on the list. I wonder what criteria they used to come up with this list and what criteria they used to have Istanbul result in #1.

    Sadly I only visited 6 out of the 25. I need to get a move on!

  15. I’ve been to 24 of the cities and have booked flights, for January, for Dubai, the 25th.

  16. Been to 16 Cities from the list: San Francisco, Budapest, Bangkok, Chicago, Barcelona, Florence, New York, Berlin, Shanghai, Siem Reap, Paris, Prague, Beijing, London, Rome, Istanbul.

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